Olivera Perunkovska joined MARKT-PILOT in April 2022. As very talented software engineer, she brings lots of experience in full-stack web development and we really appreciate her mindset of looking for solutions rather than problems!
Tell us about yourself.
Hi I'm, Oli and I've always had a great interest in finding out how exactly things work, whether it's physical gadgets or software programs. Maybe one of the reasons why I'm so fascinated by the art of folding origami. I regularly brighten up my colleagues' days with folded flowers, butterflies or whatever else comes to mind 😉
At MARKT-PILOT, I'm part of the software development team, building software that solves a real problem and provides true value to our customers. That's honestly very satisfying and inspiring.
How did you first hear about MP?
I was looking for a change and then discovered MARKT-PILOT on Linkedin. A software company very close to where I live? I was eager to find out more about that.
When I went for my first interview, everyone immediately made me feel like I belonged, and I really wanted to be a part of that team myself.
How do you start your day?
It depends. In most cases listening to great music on the way to work and, of course, with a good cup of coffee or tea. 🎧☕️
What do you do as Software Engineer?
We have daily to-dos that usually involve fixing bugs or developing new product features and we use Daily Sprints to update each other and prioritize on tasks. If I had to sum it up in one sentence, I would say:
Build, design, develop, maintain, test, document and improve to make our software very userfriendly and intuitive to use.
What challenge are you focused on solving right now?
Currently we are developing a new major product feature. I can't reveal any more details yet, but it's going to be awesome! Stay tuned 😉
What do you enjoy most?
Finding new and better ways to solve certain challenges or tasks. #challengeaccepted
What do you love most abot working at MP?
Honestly, my team and the way we collaborate and interact with each other. But I also have to say that the entire crew is amazing and makes working here extra special.
How would you describe the team culture at MARKT-PILOT
It's a great feeling to realize that your voice is heard, to be yourself and to be able to communicate openly with everyone. We respect each other with our different perspectives, strengths and also weaknesses. Combining this diversity and allowing different opinions is what I think characterizes the team culture at MARKT-PILOT and results in turning our vision into reality.
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