
Here you will find all information and dates for current webinars, as well as recordings to download.


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Always stay up-to-date: Whether you want to deepen your expertise or explore the latest developments, our industry webinars offer valuable insights, strengthen your knowledge, and explain current trends. If you can't attend live, you can access the recordings here. Register and gain insights into machine manufacturing, after-sales, and pricing!


01 Upcoming Webinars


Data-Driven Spare Parts Pricing:
Best-in-class strategies for success in today‘s volatile market environment

May 15th, 2024
11:00-11:45 am (CST)  (incl. 15 minutes Q&A)

The service and spare parts business in machine manufacturing is a resilient revenue stream, providing stability and revenue security, even in challenging times. Data-driven spare parts pricing is a key strategy for success in a volatile market environment. Join our webinar on May 15th to learn how integrating data analytics and pricing software in the spare parts business leads to winning strategies for long-term success.

Register now and join us online on May 15th. 

Webinar - Datenbasiertes Ersatzteilpricing - MARKT-PILOT & Horváth



Tim Geyer, Managing Director North America, MARKT-PILOT

Tim Geyer leads MARKT-PILOT in North America, and brings best practices from 100+ European manufacturers to share with OEMs across the US and Canada. Prior to joining MARKT-PILOT, Tim led the charge into new markets helping international startups scale. Early in his career, Tim was an innovator in the manufacturing industry, driving revenue in sales and service roles.

Nikolas Spatz, Managing Consultant Pricing & Profitability, Horvath US

Nikolas Spatz is responsible for the Pricing & Profitability solutions at Horvath US and leads the respective initiatives in close collaboration with the German Headquarters. He brings more than 6 years of professional, multilateral experience from industry and consultancy and advises clients how to increase profitability through innovative and sustainable pricing strategies. At the core of Nikolas’ consulting approach the End-to-End (E2E) philosophy is key, supporting clients from initial assessments and analytics over pricing strategy to state of the art automation and software solutions as well as implementation.

On-Demand Webinars

Data-Driven Spare Parts Pricing: Best-in-class strategies for success in today‘s volatile market environment

The service and spare parts business in machine manufacturing is a resilient revenue stream, providing stability and revenue security, even in challenging times. Data-driven spare parts pricing is a key strategy for success in a volatile market environment. Learn how integrating data analytics and pricing software in the spare parts business leads to winning strategies for long-term success.



  • Tim Geyer, Managing Director North America, MARKT-PILOT
  • Nikolas Spatz, Managing Consultant Pricing & Profitability, Horvath US

Make More Money With Parts By Leveraging Web Data

GenAlpha and MARKT-PILOT provide the tools machinery OEMs need to grow spare parts revenue. We've partnered up to showcase the potential revenue that lies within your existing part sales.

Included in the webinar download, we provide a free exercise you can use to analyze your part sales data, highlighting:

  • Parts likely to be Underpriced
  • Parts likely to be Overpriced
  • Immediate steps to increase your Revenue

Unlock the insights to quickly make more money with parts!



  • Tim Geyer, Managing Director North America, MARKT-PILOT
  • Kris Harrington Chief Executive Officer, GenAlpha
Ruth Reinicke

Ruth Reinicke

Email: ruth.reinicke@markt-pilot.com


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